
struct SharedMemTransportDescriptor : public eprosima::fastdds::rtps::PortBasedTransportDescriptor

Shared memory transport configuration. The kind value for SharedMemTransportDescriptor is given by eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::LOCATOR_KIND_SHM.

  • segment_size_: size of the shared memory segment (in octets).

  • port_queue_capacity_: size of the listening port (in messages).

  • healthy_check_timeout_ms_: timeout for the health check of ports (ms).

  • rtps_dump_file_: full path of the protocol dump file.

Public Functions

virtual ~SharedMemTransportDescriptor() = default


virtual TransportInterface *create_transport() const override

Factory method pattern. It will create and return a TransportInterface corresponding to this descriptor. This provides an interface to the NetworkFactory to create the transports without the need to know about their type

inline virtual uint32_t min_send_buffer_size() const override

Minimum size of the send buffer.



SharedMemTransportDescriptor(const SharedMemTransportDescriptor &t) = default

Copy constructor.

SharedMemTransportDescriptor &operator=(const SharedMemTransportDescriptor &t) = default

Copy assignment.

inline uint32_t segment_size() const

Return the size of the shared memory segment.

inline void segment_size(uint32_t segment_size)

Set the size of the shared memory segment.

inline virtual uint32_t max_message_size() const override

Return the maximum size of a single message in the transport (in octets)

inline void max_message_size(uint32_t max_message_size)

Set the maximum size of a single message in the transport (in octets)

inline uint32_t port_queue_capacity() const

Return the size of the listening port (in messages)

inline void port_queue_capacity(uint32_t port_queue_capacity)

Set the size of the listening port (in messages)

inline uint32_t healthy_check_timeout_ms() const

Return the timeout for the health check of ports (ms)

inline void healthy_check_timeout_ms(uint32_t healthy_check_timeout_ms)

Set the timeout for the health check of ports (ms)

inline std::string rtps_dump_file() const

Return the full path of the protocol dump file.

inline void rtps_dump_file(const std::string &rtps_dump_file)

Set the full path of the protocol dump file.

inline ThreadSettings dump_thread() const

Return the thread settings for the transport dump thread.

inline void dump_thread(const ThreadSettings &dump_thread)

Set the thread settings for the transport dump thread.

bool operator==(const SharedMemTransportDescriptor &t) const

Comparison operator.